Aurea Steel Oy Ab is now an ISO 9001 company
Aurea Steel Oy Ab is certified according to ISO standards 9001/14001/45001 and 3834-2 Aurea Steel Oy Ab received on 16th of December 2019 the ISO approvals for the Quality Management-, Environmental Management-, Occupational Health and Safety- and Welding Quality -systems. “We are proud to receive
Investments improve CNC milling and turning services
PKP-Machining, which is part of Aurea Group, has purchased a new boring and turning mill which has increased production capacity and product unit size considerably. All expansions and modernizations of the new facilities has been completed and we are excited about our new CNC
Investment in serial production and machining
Burkhardt+Weber machining center for serious serial production capabilities Aurea Steel Oy Ab completed the technical installation of the Burkhardt+Weber MC120 machining center in Kankaanpää. There are only two machines worldwide having the same kind of features. This fully automatic horizontal machining center is especially suitable
Large part CNC machining
New machining capacity leads to better large part machining services At our manufacturing facilities in Riihikoski, we have invested in new machining capacity and can now manufacture components weighing up to 120 tonnes. Our new, custom-made BOST VTL 68 CY vertical lathe has turning