Aurea Group


We care and get it right!

Our area of expertise is parts manufacturing, plate and welding work, heat treatment, surface treatment, machining and assembly.

Aurea Steel Oy Ab and Pöytyän Koneistuspalvelu Oy (PKP Machining) together form a competitive engineering workshop entity, the Aurea Group, which deliver comprensive services to its industrial customers. Aurea Group is a competitive engineering workshop entity with strong ownership-, customer-, production process synergies.

Our customers typically represent the marine and offshore, energy, mining, forestry-, pulp and paper, transportation and defence sectors. Many of our customers operate in the Nordic countries and more widely in the international market. We meet industry’s quality and delivery accuracy expectations and we create value and competiveness together with our customers.
The group has totally 17.000 m² sheltered production space and heavy lifting capacity.

We in Aurea Group have common production- and, HSEQ-processes. On top of this we share the same values with an energetic and enthustaiastic approach the ”we get it right” -culture. The customer and safety comes first!

Aurea Group - Pohjoismaista kilpailukykyistä konepajatekniikan osaamista
Aurea Group | Aurea Steel - Kankaanpää

PKP Machining’s main focus is heavy duty machining of components from 5 to 120 tons.


PKP Machining’s main focus is heavy duty machining of components from 5 to 120 tons.

Contact Us

Antti Sätilä
Managing Director
Mobile +358 40 725 3656

Aurea Steel Oy Ab
040 725 3656

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