Aurea Group

Investments improve CNC milling and turning services

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Investments improve CNC milling and turning services


PKP-Machining, which is part of Aurea Group, has purchased a new boring and turning mill which has increased production capacity and product unit size considerably.

All expansions and modernizations of the new facilities has been completed and we are excited about our new CNC turning service capabilities. You can find additional information about our demanding CNC machining services here.

What the machine can achieve in regards to our CNC milling and turning services

The new boring and turning mill, BOST VTL 68 CY, has been made to order for the requirements of PKP. The new Bost machine grants us the capabilities to offer cost-effective CNC turning of aluminum parts, brass CNC turned components and much more!

New machine facts

    • Table: 5,000 mm
    • Max. diameter: 8,200 mm
    • Max. height: 5,400 mm
    • Max. unit weight: 120 t
    • Y-axis: 5,400 mm
    • Milling head that enables 5-axis CNC machining
    • Measurement head separate of shaft

BOST Machine Tools is a Spanish machine manufacturer founded in 1972 that offers its customers impressive machine tool service, design, manufacture, and installation. BOST machine tools are known for their superior precision. BOST tailors all machine deliveries according to customer specifications, delivering products that work with maximum productivity for the customer.




Contact Us

Antti Sätilä
Managing Director
Mobile +358 40 725 3656

Aurea Steel Oy Ab
040 725 3656

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